QCW Wasteboard Frame for Journeyman SPECS

Waste Board Assembly (Journeyman).PDF (69.5 KB)


We’re in good company :wink:

:rofl: :rofl:


@OnefinityCNC, will you add the external width of the t-track, as well as the profile of the t-track(dimensions from the side), and the cutting area specifically for both the 65MM Makita and 80MM spindle? I’m looking at building different spoilboard and fixturing for this, and these data would help a great deal. Thanks!


US Metric Association, what’s their angle, to keep us OFF the metric system?

Looking at the QCW layout I wonder how they came up with the locations for the mounting screws. Some oddball imperial dimensions and they don’t convert over to clean, whole metric numbers either.

Why 3.540" (89.916mm) and 5.585"(141.859mm) ?

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Curious if anyone has seen documentation or knows what the spacing(distance between centers) of the t track is on the QCW? Thanks.

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@OnefinityCNC what is the logic to the QCW hole pattern not being symmetrical?
Why 3.540" (89.916mm) and 5.585"(141.859mm) ?