QCW Stand / Kreg - Wobble?

Hey Doinok,

neither the QCW frame nor a Kreg table will prevent that the Onefinity CNC machine will get twisted according to the floor irregularities, and the floor usually isn’t really flat, nowhere. The frame will not wobble, but be twisted.

A twisted machine can only produce twisted surfaces on your workpiece, that is why you always have to check a CNC machine for coplanarity. But with the Any Surface Leveling System (now included with QCW frame), you adjust your QCW Frame for coplanarity in case you moved the machine to another position on the floor.

Regarding stiffness of a Kreg table, I never used one but at first sight, it has no stabilizing diagonals, but many people seem to use one. I would prefer a stiffier table though. There are many shown, most made of wood, in this forum.

Welcome to the forum!

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