Reloaded .htg files

My Elite Foreman started machining in the wrong location. I did the xyz probe routine and the Y axis moved away from the block instead of toward it. I assumed a static electricity issue so I ran ground wires to everything.

I pulled the .htg files from Onefinity then loaded and rebooted the machine. The controls on the Masso moved all of the axis in the right direction. Everything seemed normal.

I even generated a new file to upload thinking the old one might be corrupted. When I load a file and use the touch probe the Y axis moves in the wrong direction. Advice please. Homing also does not automatically reset the axis to zero.

Make sure you have selected inside our outside in the probing routine, I had the same issue and it did not seem clear to me at first.
Look at the graphics to tell if it is inside or outside.

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Thank you. That fixed the Y moving the wrong way. Besides the machine being corrupted and the Y moving away from the probe I found the file corrupted.

I started the project over from scratch in Carveco and new toolpaths work.