Silly Question About Controller

Hey Eric,

Do you have difficulties to read?

I don’t do things while I read either. I first read the manual, then I begin with doing.

Of course I haven’t remembered everything, but having read the whole documentation once allows me to find the answer to a question that appears while doing immediately because at least I know where approximately it was in the manual (or the video).

If it is possible for you, you should take your time and begin with reading all the documentation and watching all the support videos on the OnefinityCNC channel at youtube.

Usually everyone who comes here wants to know the same things, that’s why writing was invented (and videos too nowadays), otherwise some people would have to answer the same questions over and over.

The official Onefinity Assembling Video is here.
The official Onefinity Owner’s Manual with Assembly Instructions (PDF) is here.

I have noticed that many do not know where the official documentation is. The best thing to do when you get the machine (or better yet, right after you order it) is to go through this information:

  1. Read the Fine manuals (PDF)
  2. Watch all the videos from the “Support” Playlist
  3. Read the FAQ documents
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