Skip the GX12-6P connector and go direct?

Hey Alan,

even if it’s just connecting the first column to the last column and ignoring all columns between in my table, I see that I should provide an additional table for direct wiring for each of the different VFDs for which I already made a connection table.

According the Masso Documentation, the multiple Ground terminals are all the same. Of course you can use G5 instead of G3.

INFORMATION: There are multiple Power (Red-colored) and Ground (Black-colored) provided on the controller and can be used to easily wire drives, sensors and switches.

The outputs CW (FWD) and CCW (REV) come in two different types: First as TTL-level outputs which have a high or low voltage depending on the logical state (1 or 0), and secondly they are available as terminals of a optocoupler. This is similar to a open collector output, that provide no voltage, the voltage comes from the VFD here, that is why the latter are used to go to the VFD.


Was this helpful from someone who never had a Masso G3 in hands and will never buy one :wink: ?

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