Hey Alan,
this is identical to what I show in my table with the exception that here you use +24 V as the common on Masso pins 5+7 (and not 0 V=L=gnd as common), and pins 4 and pin 6 for CCW and CW (source logic),
I used 0 V (=gnd=“L”) as common on Masso pins 4+6, and Masso pins 5 and 7 for CW and CCW (sink logic), because this example from the Masso Documentation website shows it this way:
Image: Spindle VFD examples → Hitachi VFD – Masso Documentation
(It shows the Hitachi NE-S1, but the ports and their labels are identical with the Hitachi WJ200).
You did not show to what your “PLC” terminal is connected, to “P24” (+24 V) or to “L”=gnd=0 V? One question: Where is this bridge (=“short bar”) installed on your VFD, like on the left image or like on the right image:
Both setups should work, but the one I show (the one from the Masso Documentation website) can of course only work if “PLC” is bridged to “P24”, and not to “L”.
– Source: Hitachi WJ200 or Omron MX2 manual
Image: Wiring on Sourcing vs. Sinking Inputs
Further Reference
– Source: Hitachi WJ200 or Omron MX2 manual