Does anyone know why a usb mouse would be slow or laggy when moving it around? It takes a sec for the cursor to catch up.
Check the buttons on the mouse. often there is a speed control
I am also having this issue and it’s not the dpi. I saw another thread about going into the xset raspi stuff but I can’t get that to work either because the instructions were not super clear and I need someone to dumb it down for me. Any help is appreciated
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Hey Preston,
do you mean this?
What was it that you did not understand?
Was it how to open a terminal window?
I’d type in xset, then push enter and it gives me a big list.
I’ve tried typing xset m 2 6 and I get nothing.
The last thing I tried is typing out /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/40-libinput.conf and still got nothing.
Hey Preston,
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