Source For Prescription Safety Glasses

Those with the JTech (or other diode 405-455nm range laser) that wear glasses–I’m looking at options to either get my eyeglass prescription in a set of laser safety -or- considering the clip-on flip down filters for my existing glasses. The latter is much less expensive of course, but not sure about how good they are. Suggestions?

A couple…
Depending on how bad your vision is, just go without for the few minutes (that’s what i do)

Build an enclosure with windows (jtech sells the windows last i saw.


Or open up your search to goggles (clip/flip i don’t think would be good… at least for me, as i have about 60%-70% of total coverage)

Found this on Amazon for like $56

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I have trouble with this too. I havent tried it yet but I think I’ll try ordering a piece of this 1/8" acrylic from jtech and make a pattern from my faceshield. That way i can wear my reading glasses under the laser shielded faceshield.