Laser Goggles for People that wear glasses

I have a Jtech laser. I wear glasses and the glasses that come with the laser do not fit over them. Anybody out there in the same boat? What did you do? I see options on Amazon, but I am not sure the Chinese care about my eye site…lol.

I bought some Cloudray goggles that report being functional at 1064nm and in the 430 range. I’m no more blind now than I was before, so they seem to be working.

Any non-chinese and non-jtech options (the jtech may be chinese as well but i trust they test them) cost several hundred when I was buying a few sets.

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These fit well over my glasses. I don’t know if they have all the right certifications, but I’m not blind yet!

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Google is your friend, or whatever your favorite search engine is…

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Takes me back to working in an optics research lab. We had a sign that said “use you other good eye to see if the laser is on now”

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Yeah, I totally get what you’re saying! I also wear glasses, and finding laser goggles that fit can be a pain. I tried some cheaper ones, but like you, I wasn’t sure how reliable they were. It’s hard to trust random brands, especially for something as important as your eyesight!

For a better option, you could check out They offer safety eyewear program that fit over prescription glasses and are designed to block harmful laser wavelengths. It might be worth looking into since they focus on eye protection.

And lol at that lab sign! Classic! :smile:

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