Yes, he is correct, I just didn’t understand his use of the word thickness, since there is no such word in the interface, but the settings for the probe z dimension is set up from the factory and it’s dead on accurate according to my Starrett micrometer, so there’s no reason to change anything, especially since it has been working perfectly all along. As it turns out, I took a chance on the firmware update, and that solved everything.
I’ve only had my JM since November so I’ve only had 1 firmware update since then. Worked fine. I got the alert, clicked the button to update and after it rebooted, went on my business. Nothing untoward since. That’s my reality.
Do you have different tool numbers in the same gcode file? Are you using vectric software? On the 3D display from the controller(when accessed from PC) can you zoom in and see if the graphic shows it cutting stepper than intended?
When you use different tool numbers and process as one file it looks great on the Vectric preview but the 1F controller reads the depths as additions rather than all from a common point.
If you have multiple tool numbers try outputting each tool as a separate file.
This may be way off from what your experiencing but making a guess based on the post.
Thank you @sigung for starting this thread.
Thank you @OnefinityCNC for the suggestion to update the firmware
Thank you @JimHatch for the suggestion to check the dimensions of the probe
The firmware and probe dimensions fixed everything for me. The firmware fixed the trenches carved into my wasteboard and my probe thickness was off by ~.020" in the controller which fixed the errors in my pocket depths.
This community is awesome. Pat yourselves on the back!!!