Hi All
I was about 2.5 hours into a 4.5 hour job when I broke a bit. I stopped the job and ordered a replacement bit. I returned the spindle to the jobs 0/0 origin. I inserted the replacement bit and I would like to cintinue with the job. Is this possible?
The first thing I would want to do is get the spindle up and spinning. Then, I’d like to pic line 30,000 out of 79,000 to start at. Is that possible? If so, can anybody guide me as to how?
Hi Jim,
Stopping and restarting, and beginning a gcode program part-way in have come up a few times in the forum. This post and this one might help you, among others. It should be possible
I decided to just start from the beginning and to air cut for a couple hours but I scrapped it as the X and Y were off for some reason.
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