Stumped writing and or homing to square fence

Hi all,
I am very new, and hope someone can help me.
I am trying to make a spoilboard starting with an L bracket that is dead on X and Y.
I made an L bracket in the middle of my table.
Then, I homed the machine and with no work piece I scratched a line along X and Y.
I attached the L bracket barely over the scratched line.
I’m not sure if I am writing the vcarve pro file correctly.
When I turn the machine on I home it. I then probe Z off the top of the L bracket. When I try to run the gcode I get under errors on X and Y.
Stumped. Please help!

Maybe I’m just over thinking this? And should just line up the fence manually as close to the scratch line as possible???

In V-Carve Pro are you setting your datum point to front left corner or centre of material/wasteboard?

I think I did it!

Thank you Dave. That wasn’t the problem but it did make me look at the file again. I had the profile tool path set to inside right, and not outside left.

Unfortunately, lol I did make a mistake that will cost me,lol.
I forgot to take the probe magnet off the collet when I started up the router. Ooosie. Of course it destroyed the wire, and shot the probe across the room.
I imagine the probe is ok? Does OF sell just the probe wire? Or do I need to purchase the whole thing again?

Thanks Dave,

That’ll fit the Onefinity probe?
( I am presuming the probe survived being launched )


They are the manufacturer of the probe. Just be sure to select the Onefinity CNC option.

Ordered two. I’m a slow learner!