#onefinitycnc Remove this post if it isn’t cool.
I managed to break my 1" shield so I" drew one up in CAD and printed it.
I thought someone else might need it.
Suckit Shield v4.stl (52.2 KB)
#onefinitycnc Remove this post if it isn’t cool.
I managed to break my 1" shield so I" drew one up in CAD and printed it.
I thought someone else might need it.
Suckit Shield v4.stl (52.2 KB)
Nice, but you could have saved some time here : Suck It Router Sheilds SVG's
As Homer Simpson would say, “Doh!”
Hey mine broke as well. I tried to lower the router right through it.
I have come to the conclusion that breaking these shields is the price of doing business. I have ran the collet nut into them and sometimes a piece of wood just gets caught up in there. I bought large quantities of them to have on hand.
Thank you for sharing your .STL file. I am printing one now, after breaking my original shield this afternoon.