Hi, this morning when I turned on my machine, after hitting the e-stop, I hit the homing button and my Z axis moved first, as normal, but my X axis moved in the wrong direction (towards the B Y rail) and immediately faulted. I can move the X axis only a little towards the A Y rail before it stops. It moves normally in that it still moves towards the A Y rail when I attempt to jog it in that direction and it moves towards the Y B rail when I jog it in that direction although it allows it to move all the way to the rail but it won’t move hardly at all once I reverse directions. I hope I have provided enough detail that someone can tell me what is going on here. I did see the troubleshooting explanation of how to clear motor alarms and I attempted to do it but that did not seem to be the problem in that I don’t have any high alarms other than the e-stop.
wire issue: Troubleshooting: Rail is getting hung, stuck, grinding, or moving in opposite direction (x35/x50 machines)
I’m not sure if this matters (The reply said it applies to X35/50 machines) and my machine is an Elite with the Masso controller. The machine will jog normally if I attempt to do so albeit only slightly towards the A, Y rail but when I hit the home button it moves in the wrong direction. I didn’t change anything and I’ve rechecked all of the cables and blown out the sensors. If it was a cabling issue, wouldn’t the X axis not move in the correct direction when I attempt to jog it, or not at all? It only moves in the wrong direction when I attempt to home it.
I’m not sure if this matters (The reply said it applies to X35/50 machines) and my machine is an Elite with the Masso controller. The machine will jog normally if I attempt to do so albeit only slightly towards the A, Y rail but when I hit the home button it moves in the wrong direction. I didn’t change anything and I’ve rechecked all of the cables and blown out the sensors. If it was a cabling issue, wouldn’t the X axis not move in the correct direction when I attempt to jog it, or not at all? Also, while not every time, I do see an input 13 High sometimes.
So I turned off the machine and uplugged each cable and inspected the pins looking for any damage (which would be very strange since I haven’t unplugged them since I set it up) and didn’t find any. I turned it on again and was just giving it a once over and noticed the X homing sensor light was not on, so I jiggled the wire a little and the light went on, therefore I can conclude that the X cable has a short. Of course I am concerned because the machine has had so little use as I have a full time job and only get to use it on occasional weekends for short periods of time. I just received my laser and had installed the cable into the cable chains but I was very careful and had no mishaps or crushed wires that could have caused the issue.
I have a few questions, will Onefinity get me a replacement cable (who should I contact, support)? Would that really cause the X motor to run in the opposite direction and to fault every time, even when after jiggling the wire the light stayed on but the issue continued? Also, I had read that whenever a cable is going to be unplugged, the system is supposed to be off to prevent damaging the drivers, so wouldn’t a shorting wire effectively be the same thing as unplugging it while the power is on? Thanks for all of your help!! I love my Onefinity, and am really bummed I can’t use my new 44w laser this weekend but I am hopeful the issue is confined to the cables and can be rectified.
Sorry for so many posts but I wanted to see if the short was in the sensor or the cabling. It turns out its in the sensor. I switched the X rail sensor with the Y B rail sensor and the short was in the sensor I moved. I then, with the light of the sensor on (by moving the cable til it stayed on) rebooted and attempted to home the machine. The exact same problem happened whereby the X rail moved in the wrong direction and immediately faulted additionally making it so you could, after the fault, move the X rail towards the Y B rail but not the Y A rail. It seems to me I have two problems, one is a short in a sensor, and two, whatever is causing my system to not be able to home correctly.
Hi Ron,
It sounds as though you have a motor inverted. If you go to the F1 page, and look at the X axis motor, it should be (I’m pretty sure) in a low (green) state with the motor inverted displayed as “yes”. My recollection is that all the motors are inverted (yes), but I’m not near my shop today. I don’t think a shorted sensor will cause the problem of wrong direction, but you should get 1F to send you a new sensor, as I had 2 damaged in shipment, one was obvious, but not the other.
Hi Jim,
Thanks for responding. I had the same idea as you and so I checked the settings and, while they were still the same, I undid the X axis which was checked “Inverted” and rebooted, that made it so when I moved the X axis is moved in the incorrect direction but when I Homed the machine it now moved in the correct direction, the problem was that it faulted just as quickly (within about 1/2 an inch) as before just now in the proper direction. I watched another video where the problem was one of the motors which showed a red light but mine are all green so I don’t think it’s a motor issue.
I agree. I think there is a setting that is at fault. Have you tried re-loading the HTG file for your machine? Also, have you made any changes to the original settings from 1F? As an example, I changed my steps for each axis from 400 to 800, and when I reloaded the original HTG file for another reason, I forgot it reloaded to 400 steps/ revolution. The key was, it was really slow during home, and it would only move 24 inches in each axis instead of 48. Yep, I forgot the factory setting was 400, but the motors were all set to 800, an easy fix, but now I have to save a custom configuration file for my machine (HTG).
The HTG files are available here in another thread you can search for.
I have made only a few very limited changes of which almost every one was when I was adding equipment like the PWN spindle, I followed the instructions carefully about what changes were to be made on the Masso. The only change that I can think of that were independent of an “instructed” change was when I first got the machine (Aug 23), I changed the homing speed to 100" per minute due to the factory setting was so slow. Part of what made this whole thing so strange is that the machine has operated flawlessly since I bought it and has been fairly easy and intuitive to operate. I had just finished a few days before, my first large custom cut for my first paying customer, which felt amazing I might add and everything went perfectly according to plan. When I was finished, I turned off my machine as usual and like always it was nearly a week before I could come turn it on again because of my stupid day job, lol. I wanted to install my new laser and was going to move the spindle to a more advantageous position to do the work, so I went to home the machine, as my opening procedure before I do anything, and that’s when the mayhem began. I’ve been down since and am trying not to get too worried. I’m not familiar with HTG files but I will go find the one for my machine and re-load it and report back if that fixes the issue. Btw, do you happen to know what HTG stands for? Thanks.
Masso says it’s a proprietary file for configurations. I think it is the whole OS for the Masso chip.
Do know, any changes you have made will be lost and need to be added back.
Also, I think you can print out your current settings, but I can’t recall where that is. Perhaps on the F1 page somewhere.
Thanks for the heads up Jim. I cleaned everything off my usb stick and I then created a folder named “MASSO” with a folder inside of that folder named “Machine Settings” and downloaded the 5.06 HTG file from Masso. Then per the instructions, after saving screen shots of everything and downloading a text file of my settings, I went to the F1 “Save and Load Settings Calibration” button and hit “Load from file”, then “Reboot”. After the reboot I noticed none of my settings were changed and the system still showed I had operating system 5.03 so I went and re-formatted my USB stick (FAT32) and again uploaded the 5.06 HTG file into newly created folders “MASSO” and the subfolder “Machine Settings” and attempted to load the new 5.06 HTG file again, but this time the system said No HTG file was found. Now what? I am being slow and methodical but keep hitting road blocks.
Unfortunately, I now have a new problem. After following the instructions very carefully regarding taking screen shots, creating a text copy of my settings, and backing everything up, I uploaded the latest 5.06 HTG file from Masso. I uploaded the file and hit reboot from the “Save and Load Calibration Settings” button as directed in the documentation from Masso. After the reboot, I attempted to Home the machine and the problem persisted. I then noticed that my settings were not different and my machine still said it had version 5.03 so I did a long version format of my Masso supplied USB stick to FAT32 MBR as called for by the documentation and re-created the MASSO folder with the Machine Settings subfolder and attempted to re-install the update. Now my machine said it can’t find the HTG file. UGHH!!! I re-did every step again very carefully, and still, now I have a new problem. I checked with Masso’s AI and followed it’s recommendations all to no avail. I am now worse off than when I started. So much for my 3 day weekend I had to devote to getting my new laser working.
Wow, I mean Wow! I can’t begin to imagine how that is. The only thing I can think is, maybe the USB stick or even the port is problematic. I’d guess I would try the current stick and open the Masso front plate and try inserting the USB stick into the aux USB port on the side of the Masso board directly and see if it makes any difference. I also updated to 5.06 and purged my desktop of any files relating to 5.03.
Best of luck, Ron. This is clearly a Masso problem, not a Onefinity.
So I contacted Masso support and they gave me a different procedure for uploading that 5.06 software which did work. Afterwards I attempted to home the machine and the same error occurred. I tried to then upload the settings file provided by Onefinity but the Masso could not see it even though it was in the Machine Settings subfolder of the MASSO folder per the instructions.
I then tried to re-configure the settings to see if I could fix it or get an idea what was happening. If I change the Homing settings to leave on the Z and Y inverted but uncheck the X axis, then the machine will home the Z axis then skip homing the X axis and then home the Y axis without setting any alarms off but the problem is the X axis has not been homed. In the 10 or so times I tried this I then would jog the Z axis off the home position and then the Y axis and once or twice, not regularly, the Y axis would only move the A rail not the B rail and cause a motor failure. If I go the the X axis settings and uncheck the Invert Axis setting then I am back to square one and I get a homing fault. I should note that I can rarely jog the X axis towards the Y A rail unless I have rebooted and not attempted to home the machine yet. Additionally, when I jog the X axis towards the Y B rail it usually stops about 60% of the way there without going any further. After a homing failure and a reset via hitting the e-stop. I can usually only move the X axis about a half inch or so and again usually only in one direction. I am at my wits end and beyond frustrated!!
Great news! I fixed it. I tried several times to get the htg settings file provided by Onefinity to load and finally it did. When I rebooted and homed the machine. Drum roll…it worked. I now know the settings by heart so I immediately checked them to see what was different. NOTHING!!! Does anybody know what could have happened? For months the machine works and one day I turn it on and it doesn’t. And after no changes had been made in quite some time. I am elated but would love to hear from someone what could have happened so I can prevent it from ever happening again.
Btw, do you happen to know what HTG stands for?
HTG stands for Hind Technology Group. The company was founded in 2012 by Jatinder Grewal, the man behind the MASSO controller.
I am glad that you are up and running again.
I need to keep a better eye on these forums, I could have helped out with the settings.
Thanks for the info Lars. I really like your videos and subscribed as soon as I found your channel. Keep up the great work!!
Thanks Ron.
I know you made the Snowman!
The same thing happened to be just now. This is the first post I read about it. Before I went through the hassle of changing firmware or settings (I hadn’t made any changes either), in a frenzy I pushed all the connections seated in the G3. When I pushed one of them, the machine jerked slightly. Homing then worked fine and my program ran fine.
Maybe throughout the course of doing all your other troubleshooting, one if the wires got reseated.