Hey JCWood,
my observation is rather based on a few decades of observation
It’s true that most of the information that comes from the users is scattered widely across the forum, but I think it’s exactly the search function that helps. However, it is sometimes necessary to try variations of a word and combinations before getting the results you are looking for. This forum has given me a lot of information for which I am grateful, and I have used the search especially.
I have also tried to give something back, always in small portions, and what Andy surely meant is that it would be good if this was already nicely organized in a user wiki, and of course that would be good.
At the same time, one can observe that the manufacturer (who runs the forum) notices when certain problems arise more often and has made and continues to make documents under FAQ for all sorts of issues and problems. But the culture of first reading the manuals and FAQ before asking is such a thing that is not basically cultivated in humans, that’s what I meant.
What you may sometimes think you observe could also be something else. I am always happy when I can help, it gives me a nice feeling of joy, but there is something that can work against this joy. This is when you have made the effort to write something down well arranged and with good explanatory links, and sometimes someone comes along who doesn’t think it necessary to have searched for it once or if so, to find out what’s behind the links, but instead wants to have it explained again, just for him personally. If one points out then that the writing was already invented, then one must not confuse this in no case with the assumption that someone would not be helpful.
But I did not mean you with everything I meant, only the hint that the culture, in the web (and also already earlier in the net) to always look first for the three letters “FAQ” before you ask, and to show that you have done your own research, usually leads to the people in a forum help you very gladly and also very individually 
But with your issue, it was good that you asked individually, because in fact the X-50 oil port was not covered in the ball screw replacement help document.
Will you report what cause you will find for the axis grinding, binding and moving in the opposite direction? Will it be what axis opposite direction, axis binding and grinding have pointed to?
If one of the two stepper motor coils has a bad contact (check the molex connectors crimp or if tin-plating on contact is damaged/oxidized/worn), a stepper can make this noise (and not move as it should). But first of all, I would say your machine has decidedly too much FM radio noise!