Tiling problem!

I cannot get my machine to tile properly. I have watched “how to” videos on Youtube and have followed directions. However… when I move my work piece to cut the 2nd tile - and I move the work piece to the bit never moving the bit, the machine DOES NOT start the 2nd tile cut where it should be, which ruins work every time I try to tile. I never had this problem tiling projects with my old Mach 3 machine. I use Vcarve Pro version 12. Suggestions?

Hey Raykocj3420,

have you checked that your machine is

  1. rectangular (“squared”) (bar gauge) and 2. coplanar (“not twisted”) (fishing line method) .

If the machine is not accurately rectangular (“squared”) all your workpieces will be a parallelogram. Often this is the cause when tiling fails.

If Aiph5u’s fix doesn’t work, could you describe how the tiled cut is off? Is it just a few mms, or wildly off?

Hey Aiph5u!
I will check my machine squareness with the fishing line method and get back to you with the results.
Sailor Mike!
I should have taken a picture of my last failed project before I burned it. I will do another project after I check my machine for square and provide a picture.
Thanks for the help guys!!

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Hey Raykocj3420,

The fishing line test does not check rectangularity (“squareness”) but the coplanarity (machine not being twisted). The check for “squareness” is the comparing diagonals with a bar gauge check and then milling a rectangle with a v-bit on the outer dimensions and repeating the identical diagonals check.

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OK guys - I have checked the squareness of my machine with the bar gauge method (made my own from a YouTube video). My machine is 1/8" out of square no matter how many time I re-check it. I have an Elite Forman with a QCW frame. I have loosened all 16 bolts holding my machine to the QCW frame, did the back to front tightening process with the gantry and I am still 1/8th out of square. I have asked Onefinity if this is within their tolerances however they keep asking for a detailed video, I have sent photos with the bar gauge results. So - do I live with my machine 1/8 out of square?

Hey Raykocj3420,


That’s 3.175 mm. If it’s the QCW Frame that is not square then then it would be very annoying! Because there is no adjustment means.

I would not tolerate this. It prevents precisely rectangular workpieces and tiling.

Did you check that both Y rails (from black anodizied block at the rear to the one on the front) are identical in length on the left and on the right Y rails? You can check this with the bar gauge too.

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I would not use the back to front tightening process but after having loosened all bolts, I would push the one side away from you and pull the other side towards you, and have a second person to quickly fix the bolts.
Also don’t forget to loosen the bolts of the X rail! It could manifest an out of square geometry.

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