Tool Setter Innacurate (solved, user error)


My Tool Setter is not accurately setting new tool Z. Not even close, it is off by almost 1/2".

It correctly finds the X-Y after homing and drops the Z to the Tool Setter, at least as far as I can tell it is performing correctly. On a multi-tool file, I will get the command prompt to change the tool after the first bit and after the Files XYZ has been set to start the project. Once I continue after the tool change, and hit the Cycle Start, it will locate and touch the tool setter properly. Then when it goes to make its next cut with the new bit, it is significantly off and cutting way to deep. I measured it with a digital gauge and my .125" cut is cut to a depth of .52".

I’ve tried reinstalling the Tool Setter multiple times. I also logged the correct tool list into the Masso and my Carveco Tool list and they (Tool Numbers) correspond correctly. Any Possible Solutions?

Trial & Error. This had nothing to do with the tool setter. May be common knowledge, but in order for the tool setter to work correctly, you (I) have to home the system with the first tool already in place. This sets the initial Z height for every other tool to set itself up with. Sounds simple, sucks the hard way.


Good to know. I just got my tool setter and the first few times it didn’t work correctly, then it did! Homing explains it.

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After having done it, the warning box is so obvious that it is embarrassing. That being said, however, the installation and training videos provided do not adequately explain the process. I appreciate the learning curve for these things, but full throated tutorial would save a days struggle.

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I had the same issue. Thanks for solving it.