Tells us to buy the probe as a kit otherwise wont ship to canada…ridiculous
They won’t ship to the country that 1F is in? I’d complain to 1F and ask them to start stocking the part or find an alternate supplier. I’d agree that that is ridiculous. Even the fact that the part jumps from $12.50 to 20 when increasing from 5 to 8 feet is questionable when you presume a good portion of costs are in the ends and labor and that 16 ga 2 conductor wire can be bought for 30 cents or less per foot.
OK so here is another Touch Probe question.
I have had my 1F since June 2022, and have been using it at least weekly.
I have had problems using the touch probe, it seems that it works about 50% of the time.
I have checked the voltage and it seems OK.
I can sometimes get it to work by rubbing the magnet against the touch plate, then move the magnet to the collet nut and able to probe.
Sometimes it works if I clean the bit with alcohol first (but not always).
I have almost given up using the Touch Probe and setting the XYZ zero by eye (30 deg vbit) and a piece of paper (Z).
I am wondering if there is a better way to use the Touch Probe?
Also I wonder how many people don’t use the Touch Probe. What alternatives are you using.
Mike Hanan