Vectric Post Processors For 10.5 or older versions (Download Links Included)

Mark, I have searched the documentation I have and cannot find any help on selection of a post processor. Can you point me to anything that will help

At the very top of this forum, there are two post processors (blue links) install them into vectric and then select them when saving gcode.

I put them in the folder Mypp. Where do I go to select them when saving gcode. I havenā€™t found a place to save gcode.

Max Brough
iPhone: 801-499-7656

After you open the Save Toolpath form using its icon, there is a pull-down list with all the post processors currently stored in the PostP folder (in the Application Data Folder) on your computer. Scroll down this list, find and select the correct post processor for your machine.

You only need to do this once. The next time you open the Save Toolpath form the last post processor selected should show as the default post processor.

Thank you, thank you. I think I am on my way now. I HAD been using the trial version and I donā€™t think that was available there. I now have the purchased version.


Yes, the trial does not allow installation of post processors.

I pasted the files into the correct folder, but when I restart I get an error pop-up for each respective file. The error says, ā€œunknown variable name specified on line 41 of file [File Location]ā€ and gives an ā€œokā€ button. When I search for PPs neither Onefinity options appears. Any ideas? Iā€™m using Aspire 8.5.

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It would be fantastic if we could have the vetric PP do the same as the BuildBotics Fusion 360 PP by adding some of the details to the file. Maybe vectric doesnā€™t expose that detail but it is awesome to have the project details in the file so when you pull it up on the controller you have that sanity check for tool size and for stock dimensions


(Simulation Data)
(STOCK/BLOCK, 11, 11, 2.56, 5.5, 5.5, 0)

(Tools used)
(T1 D=0.125 CR=0.0625 - ZMIN=0.0263 - BALL END MILL)

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It does allow for installation of post processors but it does not allow saving a toolpath outside their unmodified tutorial files.

I thought there was suppose to be 4 post processors 2 for inch and 2 for metric. One that prompted for a tool change after every tool path and one that did not. I only see two.

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ATTN All Vectric Users:

Weā€™ve been tracking an issue with circular moves and the machine ā€˜grinding/chatteringā€™. Weā€™ve identified the issue with the post processor. Weā€™ve edited them to correct the issue.

As of this post, 12/15/2020, if youā€™ve installed the post processor, please delete all Onefinity post processors from Vectric, restart your computer, then reinstall the post processors from here: (same post, but weā€™ve uploaded corrected post processors).

Thank you for your patience while we identified and solved the issue!


So does this prompt for a probe after every tool path or is this the one that doesnā€™t?

This does not. We removed the one with the probe call. Itā€™s redundant (and actually cumbersome and was causing more support issues than helping) since we already have the probe button on the controller.

I downloaded the new post processors but am still having the problem when using a climb cut. See my post in the troubleshooting category.

Thereā€™s also a limit to how fast you can cut in ipm. Shapeoko physically limits ipm to 199ipm, and while oursā€™s is not numerically limiting like that, there will be a limit to how fast you can physically cut. your circles are running at 350, it might just be too fast in ipm no matter what program or post processor.

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I tried it again by reducing the ipm to 240 then to 100. The problem persists even when cutting air. It only occurs when using a climb cut. The offset pocket starts in the middle and the machine rotates in a counter clockwise direction. The chatter only occurs on the second and third pass from the center. No problem with the metric post processor with a climb cut or with the inch post processor with a conventional cut.

Weā€™ll take a look. Can you email your vectric file and gcode to []

I must be an idiot as I donā€™t know where to go to send you what you want. I am trying to learn the program so when my machine gets here I will try to ready to use it

Thanks for looking into this.

Here are the two files.


Pocket Test.crv (517 KB)

Pocket .25_ upcut endmill RS2 climb cut.ngc (2.69 KB)

Iā€™m just now deleting the old pp and downloading these new ones. I have one question and one assumption I need confirmation on.

Assumption: Iā€™m assuming the previous Laser pp remains the same?
Question: Iā€™m likely only going to work in inches. That said, before, there was a regular Inch pp and an Inch No Arcs pp. I do not see the No Arcs here. Does that mean the original ones remain?

I am just now about to get my waste board flattened and just want to make sure I have the proper ppā€™s downloaded.

Thanks & Merry Christmas!