Whats the right software with my onefinity

I just got my Onefinity, and I am trying to figure out what software I should get to get the best results with the Onefinity. I have watched a ton of videos and downloaded some trial versions. I am finding the CAD end of it is pretty easy, but I am struggling with the CAM software which produces the toolpaths and gcode. So, I have boiled it down to 3… Vcarve, Freecad and Carbide create. Does anyone have any input for the 3 software’s as to which one is the best for the Onefinity with the shortest learning curve of the 3 I mentioned. I would prefer to have a perpetual license as opposed to a subscription.

I have often heard it suggested to download the free trials of your top choices and see which one best matches the work you plan to do, and which one ‘feels’ like it will be a good fit for you with respect to GUI, menus, workflow, etc. There are many on the forum who are experienced with all of those you have short listed, and I am sure will add their thoughts and recommendations.


There is no doubt in my mind that VCarvePro is the best choice because you own it, it was designed specifically for woodworking, it has the most potential to grow with and master as you advance your skills, when you’re ready you can upgrade to Aspire and design your own 3D files, its laser module works extremely well alongside your other toolpaths, and there is a lot of help to be had as so many people use this software.


thanks for the input people

I totally agree with Alden
V Carve pro. Is very friendly to use!

@shaco123 i use fusion 360 and carbide create, free versions of each.

Fusion 360 has a bit of a learning curve, but there are tons of videos from the basics to advanced that enabled me to be proficient. The cam part is awesome.

Carbide create has a tedious interface but is super simple to get going. For simple projects, it is very fast. Simple things for me are coasters, signs, a load of mdf stuff for the onefinity. The cam part leaves a bit to be desired.

Both have their place in my workflow. Anything that requires precision design or difficult cuts, f360 is my go-to. Anything needing a v-carve and it’s definitely CC.

Sometimes if I think about it, f360 is my tool after it gets tedious in CC and I remember all the design assists I get in f360. For instance, a spoilboard seemed like an easy thing to do in CC. Bought RedDogWood’s template on Etsy, so load dxf/svg and pocket, pocket, pocket and I would be done. Turns out I got super tired picking all those screw head recesses, scre holes, and dog holes. After screwing around with CC for a half hour with his design, I reimplemented in F360 in about 5 minutes, cam another 5, then re-cam’d to split the job into 20 minute separate nc files to better manage my shop time. Although I could have stared at onefinity cutting for two hours, probably not the best to stand hypnotized by my new toy :rofl:

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My vote, vcarve pro. Started my cnc journey having zero computer skills I have found vcarve pro easy to understand and operate. The vectric tutorials will familiarize you with the basic operations and get you up and running. At that point, jump over to you tube and look up mark Lindsay. His videos, on the vectric software, are very detailed. I’d say 80% of what I have learned came from his videos. Good luck, and have fun.


I started with FreeCad because I use it for 3D printing but I found the Tool Path workbench (Path) to be confusing and buggy. Tried Fusion 360 but I found learning it is very tough. I’m still working on it. I bought V-Carve Desktop and was making wood chips in less than an hour. I’m still using FreeCad for 3D and carving some some items that I don’t want to re-design in V-Carve but I found V-Carve to be way easier to learn and use.

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How are you liking the spoilboard design? I picked it up as well but before I got it all set I decided to order the frame which I’m still waiting on. I may have to look at modifying the set-up to make it work with the different sized wasteboard ‘slats’.

@reticent_fly i like his modular design. In addition to the spoilboard design, RedDogWood provides clamps, L brackets, straight edges. While I have not installed R tracks, I left space so I can later.

While it’s not complicated to design a spoilboard, it is tedious. Buying his design saved me hours of work and most likely some trial with lots of commensurate errors. Buying it allowed me to get up to speed in a couple of hours of making chips to get a base spoil board that should last a very long time. (Yes, it was a surprisingly long amount of cutting time as I played with feeds and speeds in mdf. )

Yep, vcarve pro is the best