Hey Robert,
Jim explained very well how to get to a succesful probing when you’re in Manual mode. You must jog (move) your bit i.e. your milling motor close to the touch probe before starting the zeroing process. You move it with the arrow buttons on display or with the gamepad if you own one.
However if you’re in Program mode, i.e. during the execution of a g-code toolpath program, you will mostly encounter probing in connection with a tool change. Z-probing becomes necessary here so that the machine can determine the length of the new tool. Unfortunately, the Onefinity machine does not allow you to jog around with the joypad or the arrow keys during the program, so it is necessary here that the parameters with which probing takes place are well set. Because if the probing fails, i.e. the Touch probe is not found during the slow probing movement of the millling motor, the program will abort. This adjusting of the probing process on the occasion of a tool change can be done in the ‘tool-change’ field of the General Configuration Tab, as described here ←.