2.0 Alpha Test Build #0 (outdated)

New Test build up. 2.0.0 Alpha 1 BB Firmware (latest beta, 2/18/23) - #3 by OnefinityCNC

This test build #1 (this one changed from #1 to #0 as it was the first of its kind) is now available. Starting a new thread to pin down issues with each release.

The first build #0 was built off 1.1.1.

This build, #1, is built off 1.2.1.

If you have 2.0 build alpha 0 on your machine, please FLASH the sd card to this new build, 2.0 Alpha #1.

The releases after this first alpha #1 should be able to ‘update’ instead of a full flash from now on.

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