I bought a Woodworker x-50, and need to buy a dust boot. I can’t make up my mind as to which size dust boot to use. I have both a 2-1/2 inch and a 4 inch dust collector in my workshop. Does it make much difference performance wise between the two for CNC routing? Thanks!
I run 4" on mine as with a dust collector (3hp with a 8" cyclone) the name of the game is volume of air more than velocity and they’re not as good with flow restriction as compared to a shop vac. I’ve never had an issue with debris not getting picked up - there will be some chips/dust that escape and end up on the table but that is pretty minor
I have a 80mm spindle for my incoming Foreman. I have even asked Rowdy Roman about a 4 in dust boot. I am curious about which one you have and where to get one.
I made my own when I first got my Onefinity about 2 years back when I believe there were no 4" options available. It’s made of a few layers of plywood that I cut on the Onefinity and ripped the bristles out of a harbor freight dust brush and glued them in.
Hey Mike,
the 4" hose intake PwnCNC v7 attaches to the spindle (goes up and down with it) and has a transparent baseplate
the 4" hose intake PwnCNC v9 is independent of Z axis movement and routes under the X gantry to the back
Hey CHD,
this is discussed from time to time. There was this thread the other day:
I think a 4" only works with your dust collection system. I would use it. There is a big difference between a Workshop Vacuum Cleaner and a Dust collector, and that many say, a shop vac is not ideal for a CNC machine when milling wood.
See also
What is the best dust boot for the Onefinity
Welcome to the forum!
Thank you Alph5u!!! Seems like you are a wealth of info here on the forum and I bet in person also. I do have a Gyro 700 system so the 4in will have plenty of power, unless I try to use my band saw at the same time; it has 2 4in ports:) . Seems like the v7 will be best for my needs, I will be looking into this version.
Thanks again.
Hey Mike,
there was a hype around the Harvey Gyro Dust processors and I think they did that by showing parts colorfully and in 3D that are not visible on other manufacturers.
What I liked was that they were an American manufacturer, but I read they became affordable after they are now made in China . Is yours made in China?
I haven’t bought my dust collection system yet as I haven’t moved into my new workshop, but have planned to buy a Felder so far, as they are made in Austria and have a good reputation.
Are you happy with the gyro and have you compared it before buying, for example with other (American) manufacturers?
I use the Nighthawk for my 80mm spindle with the 4" hose and I have absolutely no complaints… OK, no complaints does not reflect that it is the best dustboot I have ever used. Many other folks have the same feedback that have used Nick’s creation on the Facebook group, for example: Onefinity CNC Users Group (Official) | Facebook
I would highly recommend buying from him, but it appears he may be taking a short break from creating them. Not sure if due to vacation, just needing a break or waiting on raw materials, based on both on his website and Etsy site status… But he is still active on Onefinity Facebook (Nick Nofsinger), so you may just want to reach out to him there to see the status…
I have always used a 2 1/2 inch even though I have 4 inch available. Never saw the need to switch to the 4 inch. I haven’t had a problem with the 2 1/2 inch picking up whatever dust and chips my 1F Woodworker puts out.
Going with this.
Paul thanks for the info. My dust collector is a 6 inch system so I can have 2 ea. 4in ports open leaving plenty of head room. I will be able to use all my power equipment; one at a time of course; except the band saw( needs two 4in ports) with the cnc running. Jason Bent and others have this same unit with problems with just one 4in port open. My spindle is a 2.2kw unit.
That is my choice so far.
Unfortunately mine is from China. I am just getting my shop setup rearranged the work flow which made changing wiring locations. I originally bought a 3 hp Grizzly it’s 8 in intake I realized too late was WAY over sized for a one man shop. Sold it then got the Gyro. I just saw where “wood design” ;youtube channel; just installed a Felder.