I have flashed my SD card in the onefinity computer to solve an on going problem
Everything is working fine except when I try to shut down the computer using my touch screen I get a lock up as per the picture
I really don’t want to go through another SD flash
Any sugestions
Hey Charles,
The solution above, I believe, is for when the screen stays on after you turn off the controller. I think that may not be what you are asking.
Are you asking why, when shutting down, the screen stops where you took the picture - instead of going completely black? And then you are not sure you should turn off the controller at that point?
I had the same questions when this started happening after one of the updates.
I finally decided that when it says “end Kernel panic” that means it’s good to shut down.
From my unix days I am not surprised at the cryptic way of saying - “no more panic - all is good - it’s ok to shut it down”.
If I am wrong somebody please correct me.
Hey Chris,
The correct way on kernel panic, before powering off, would be to use the Magic SysRequest keycodes for sync (flushing caches to disk), umount filesystems, and poweroff.
However the bug with controller rebooting after shutdown because backfed by display power over the USB Port is a very short boot - the power backfed from display is too low to supply a complete boot procedure
You can prevent backfeeding power over USB this way:
When I go through the shut down procedure on my screen the system starts to shut down then the screen displays that command string and everything will stay that way until I shut the rocker switch off on the computer then the screen goes black and the computer shuts down.
My concern was the command string coming up on the screen while shutting down. Is it ok to shut the rocker switch off and not screw something up in the computer with that command string showing on my monitor? (don’t know if command string is the right word )
That is exactly what I thought you were asking.
It always shuts down this way for me since an update a year or so ago.
I have been turning off the rocker switch at that point for a year or more now without any issues.
BTW: that is a log report from the system. It will probably also put a copy of it in a log file somewhere.
Hey Charles,
it is safe to switch the power off then. No filesystem is mounted so none will get corrupted or marked as dirty.