Sometimes, I am able to connect my laptop to my CNC (I have the original series Onefinity, 32x32 cutting area). I keep my firmware up to date, and both my laptop and CNC are on the same wifi network, both with good signals.
If I can get the laptop connected, it works well and all is good. The issue comes when I am done and leave it alone for a while. I’ll take my laptop back to my office or let it go to sleep. After waking it up and getting back into the shop, I just can’t get it to reconnect.
I’m hoping someone smarter than me can help me with this problem.
Hey Matthew, sounds like it could be IP address is changing due to DHCP Lease Renewal. Depending on your WiFi Router’s settings, at 50% of the TimeToLive (TTL) for the IP Lease, the CNC controller will ask for a renewal on the lease. If successful, it should renew and keep the same IP address. If you are turning it off in between uses…that could cause the IP to change as an entirely new IP address is issued by the DHCP server in your WiFi router assuming the TTL has expired while the CNC machine was off.
You could try a Lease Reservation in your WiFi Router’s DHCP configuration which would make the router give your CNC the same IP address every time it attempts to connect to the network.
The IP address for the CNC hasn’t changed; I wondered if it had changed for some reason so I check it regularly. I also leave the CNC on most of the time as I use it each day (or most days). The laptop moves around the house with me but only goes to sleep, rather than being turned off.
I have noticed the same issue over a few month.
It’s a software bug in the controller in my opinion. I have assigned a fixed address through the router to the buildbotics controller by the way.
After a restart it works again for a while.
I have given up using the WiFi with the buildbotics controller, restarting a rehoming constantly is worth than just using a memory card.
I think it is not a problem for many, if you are just cutting on project and then switch it off you would not even notice.