Controller buttons for homing, unhoming and settings greyed out

Afternoon all, So I had to switch out a bit during a cut. When I uploaded the g-code for the second part of the cut it gave me a z axis greater than error. I know how to fix that issue, but when raised the router and tried to rezero Z, the controller joystick will not move x,y or z and all the buttons for homing, home and the setting are greyed out. Does anyone happen to know a solution for this without resetting so I don’t lose my zeros for x and y? any help is very much appreciated. It’s a journeyman if that makes any difference

Sorry, it happened to me few times also and it’s frustrating. But I don’t have a concrete solution other than hitting the E-Stop. If you hit E-stop it will fix the issue but it will unhome your machine. If your machine is at x0 y0 currently then after the hitting the e-stop you can upload the gcode and set your current position as x0y0. Also you can try the following: It has helped me couple of time (not always).

Refresh the screen using the refresh icon
Touch the bit with the zeroing plate while attaching the magnet to the collet.

Hope it helps.

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