After 5 months of waiting eagerly for my machine, within 30 minutes of opening the box, my 10 in screen released from the mount and smashed corner first into the ground; screen shattered. After this completely disappointing thing happened, I started hearing of others mentioning (on YouTube) that the magnet mount is acceptable for the 7" screen, but marginal for the 10 inch. A small bump in the horizontal or vertical might be fine, but a corner bump affecting both horizontal and vertical simply releases the monitor all together.
There are those that have, and those that will. For those that will, I would like to request Onefinity come up with, or partner with someone else, for a more secure mounting solution. I would have preferred a physical (non-releasing) mount over one that has no strength.
Agree, and for the time being I used a zip tie around the mount and pivoting legs to secure it. But in all that is amazing about this machine, which is 99% of it, this definitely needs work.
I think what you will find is that any screen under 15" is going to be set up as portable. By this I mean it’ll have a kick stand of some sort. What is needed even with the 10" monitor is the standard vesa bolt pattern. I’m not sure 1F has the ability to do more than just buy what’s on the market. My suggestion is to just find a larger TS monitor that does have the standard vesa mounting system and then you can buy a post style mount that you can secure to the corner of your table and the monitor to it. It’ll also allow you to position the monitor at a much nicer height.
You are probably right that they are limited to what’s on the market. I’m chalking it up to “stupid tax” - stupid that I allowed it to drop, but also stupid that I didn’t listen closer to others who mentioned this weak spot. All new owners waiting for your machines - hear me now, DON’T TRUST THE MONITOR MOUNT.
Maybe just a warning in the manual would have helped.
Anyway, Orthobill13 is correct that the remaining 99% of the machine is well engineered and pretty awesome.
This is a tablet mount I have used in the past. Not with a CNC (don’t have mine yet) but in my shop to hold my 10" Samsung tablet. It’s worked well.
I also use this one on my camera tripod to hold a 10" tablet used as a teleprompter.
I’ve been working on an alternative mount (but 1F still a few weeks away) that uses 30x30mm extrusion. I probably would have used 20x20 but 30x30 is what I had on hand. It has a closed section and an open section, is easily adjustable and locks into place with bolts in the back. 30x30 accepts a lot of mounting options and I’ll most likely use gopro style but will wait for the 1F and monitor to arrive before deciding the final configuration. I think it will need rubber strips in the sections that actually contact the monitor.
The monitor includes a chip with holes in the back so that it may be fastened to walls or adjustable arms. These monitors are simple to hold and utilise. You are free to move it easily from one location to another. Due of its portability and ease of use, VESA compliant monitors are the most popular choice. Verify whether a device is a VESA or Non-Vesa monitor before purchasing.