ELITE Upgrade Kit FAQ (Official Thread)

I assumed so, but thank you for the confirmation!

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I make eye wear and have a limited size shop so the Machinist is the best size for me. I am currently looking to purchase Original Machinist, but want it with Masso control and closed loop steppers. I would like a price to receive Machinist with upgrade installed at factory.

I bought the original X-35 when they came out and have used it a lot. It still works like a charm. I see some benefits of upgrading but if mine is working for me should I really upgrade. I know it is an individual choice will my controller be phased out or parts be hard to get for the X-35. Never having any issues so far it been a great machine.

Anyone else about ready to give up and ask for a refund? it’s the end of January and STILL nothing. Pretty ridiculous.

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It is a hard wait. I ordered my upgrade on 11/2 and I just received it on 1/26.

Ordered mine 11/2 , still havent heard anything. I emailed them first of the month and was told 2 weeks. as i said still waiting

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I ordered mine on 11/8. Called them two weeks ago and was told they were going to start packing it the next day. Still waiting.

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Yeah, something is amiss for sure. I emailed last friday for a possible update as i see elite machines ordered after my upgrade was ordered have been delivered with the same lead time.

Guess we didnt spend enough lol. I was gonna keep supporting them with my silly spendimg habits but idk anymore :pensive:

I know I am about ready. to give up. They need to update there lead times. the 6 to 8 weeks is not even close.

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They did update it for the Elite upgrade package to 7 to 9 weeks but still not close!

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Hate to say it ,but if I ever get another CNC it probably won’t be a Onefinity. So sad.

Hey Guys,
There’s been a bit of a delay in the elite upgrade kits. We’re waiting on 2 components that our supplier got behind on. One is motors, and the other is wires. Tracking, right now, shows that they will arrive on Early next week. If tracking holds true, we should be shipping out a bunch more later next week. The kits are ready to go, we’ve just been waiting on the motors and the wires.
So sorry for this delay, we’re working as fast as possible to get these to your door.


This is a GREAT example of much needed transparency and communication…thanks for the update.

I am also about to pull the plug. The ship/order dept has ghosted me for the last 3 days. My order was 13 weeks ago. Not a peep. Starting to wonder what is going on there. You’d think they would at least stop advertising anything less than 13 week lead times and let the folks know some kind of status.

Well they got our money. No. Hurry for them to ship as long as people are still ordering stuff.
The new world of online buying.

I am getting pretty disgusted with the lack of communication and customer service, especially after paying up front. I ordered the upgrade 10 weeks ago when estimates were 6-8 weeks, then with no explanation the page changed to 7-9 weeks. I have no idea when it actually changed to 7-9 because they do not communicate with us, I just when to the page and saw it. I did get a response from my email that said I was in the queue and it would be another 2-3 weeks, that was 3 weeks ago so clearly they missed another promised date. Not sure why they can’t pull up there pants and proactively tell what is going on, why is it my responsibility to keep asking them? If I don’t hear something in the next week I am pulling the plug.

Just my 0.02 cents: DON’T PANIC

My company is in the business of designing and selling industrial 3D printers so I can say that supply chains are still very sporadic - especially for motor and control components. Onefinity answered here 6 days ago that they are experiencing supply chain issues. The suppliers don’t give them many details (or no details) either. Missing even a single, simple component prevents shipping a bunch of orders. What are companies to do? Tell their customers every day/week/month “we are still waiting for X, Y and Z”? Believe it or not, it costs quite a bit of money (and lost opportunity) for companies to answer 1000s of individual emails, forum posts, Facebook group posts, etc. I think Onefinity’s approach of publishing updated delivery times plus the occasional forum post like the one last week are fine, Be patient, these are very sought-after CNC machines for good reason. If wait times are not acceptable, buy some other machine. Taking payment upfront shows the customer is serious. The overhead of having to deal with pre-orders and then crossing people off the list and dealing with “oh, I really do want that” a week later are a major pain for companies (I’ve been down that road too).

I ordered my elite upgrade on 11/2/2023 too (order #42735) and it arrived on 1/26/2024. There is likely a long list of orders that need to be worked through. And, any accessories or options could also result in supply chain issues and longer wait times. I just ordered a PwnCNC 2.2kw spindle this week and have to wait patiently for it too.


No panic on my side.

As background I designed, built, and maintained logistics systems for 25 years. Ran the IT department for 15 of those years in the largest 3PL company in North America, I am aware of supply chain issues and I do not dispute their impact. For the most part they are out of OneFinity’s control.

They do have issues that on the surface, appear to many of their customers as communication issues that are not being addressed. That alone is reason for OneFinity Customer Service to do something to change that perception.

The real issue in my mind is not wait times changing, it is the fact that there is zero communication directed at me, telling me my order has been delayed after paying them thousands of dollars. Real or not, this should be addressed and this forum is not the correct venue. Again, I should not have to ask where my Widget is after it is late.

I apologize if I am rankling anyones feathers here. This is my last word on this subject on the forum. Customers going back and forth on subjects that are related to the company and not the actual product are not helpful.


Whats real funny is from an order number stand point, even if my number is before the guy who bought an entire elite machine before i only purchesed a upgrade kit, how does theirs have priorty over mine? Many have been delivered and ordered after me and many others waiting…

Im glad for them as iv now hit 14weeks since ordering , just spent less money is all​:popcorn::popcorn:

What I find interesting is that 1F is no longer a startup company, by now they have sales exceeding 50M, do the math, by conservative estimates 20,000 machines at about $2500.00 each = 50M. They should be better at communication by now regardless of supply chain issues which are very real in the industry.
I also would not do anything different, my opinion is they have the very best machine for the money and I think better than several costing much more.