File type issues on X50 Foreman/Carveco

Having an issue loading a program to masso controller on a x50 foreman. I select the onefinity NGC file from carveco and load it to usb stick. Once I plug it into the machine it will not show up. I also added a file named “files” and I can not open that folder on the controller. Do you need to change the file type to something different after saving it? Feel like I am missing something here.

You didn’t use the correct post processor, Ensure Carveco is up to date and select Onefinity Elite.
The file should end in .nc (NOT .ngc as the masso cannot see this extension).

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Here are the selections. All say ngc. Once saved I opened and saved as a .txt file and was able to load to the machine.

your carveco is not updated.

Ok, I will run an update shortly here.