I had issues too yesterday so I just reverted back to 1.0.5 and everything was fine.
Before that, though it wouldn’t home properly
If you were on the beta before this, try flashing back to 1.0.5, restarting, then flash to the 1.0.6.
Yes, very different. Flash back to 1.0.5, restart, then flash to 1.0.6.
So I read about the issue of monitor flashing on and off on the Facebook forum and while it had happened a time or two it wasn’t a constant issue. Since updating to 1.0.6 Firmware my touchscreen constantly flickers on and off while running a file. Anyone else having this annoying issue?
Think I found the issue…had a battery charger running that I was unaware was running on the same circuit as the controller. Once I unplugged it seemed to resolve the issue. I will try it a little longer and see if it pops up again.
3/1/21 5:00 p.m. central - automatic upgrade still not available. Downloading firmware to USB now…
I’m guessing they must be locked out of the OneFinityCNC/ Github account, or that main user of that account isn’t available. But seems like a silly oversight, and dragging on now…
3/2/2021 *We found one bug that snuck by us in this release. We’ve taken it down and will be rereleasing it within two days or so. If you’ve downloaded it, you’ll want to use the usb update once more when we rerelease it in a few days. Sorry for the delay!
Ah, good catch and thanks for the update.
Nuts, just about to upgrade. Standing by…
What is the bug in case some of us who already have 1.0.6 encounter issues? This may help us so were not chasing a problem which may be fixed in a couple days or so.
I updated from the 1.0.5 when my machine arrived last week and it’s been working great so far other than having an issue with chatter/grinding noise when doing a 0.750" circle for a counterbore on my wasteboard with the Inch .PP and machine set to Imperial. I’ve seen this was an issue with other people and with 0.500" circles as well. Increased the circle to 0.780" and it went way.
My machine came with version 1.0.5, then I had issues with stalling where the machine came to a screeching halt during fast moves. Switched to the beta version 1.0.6 then the finalized version of 1.0.6. Now there will be a version 1.0.7? Any idea when? Will version 1.0.7 fix issues with using the Jtech laser?
Where is the file to download?
They’ve pulled the release for now.
It is now the 8th, said a new version would be posted in 2 days?
In this post I also saw
I had upgraded to 1.0.6, probably not long before it was pulled, but have not run anything on it yet. However, I do have an order I need to run soon. Should I be concerned? What was the bug?
Just noticed my monitor flashes to black every once in a while. Latest firmware came pre-installed when I received the machine… 1.0.7 i believe
At first I thought I was pulling too much current with the onefinity controller, monitor & router all on the same circuit, but it does the same even when the router is on a completely different circuit.
This firmware is now outdated.
Latest firmware is here: