Firmware Update 1.2 Beta (12/5/22) (Outdated Firmware)

Updated 1/31/23

This release helps us collect data and ensure there are as few bugs as possible.

Read below before getting to the download button at the bottom:

A little background.

Firmware 1.0.9 was the longest running firmware we’ve had up since release. It was solid, relatively bug free and very stable. We worked hard on 1.1.0-1.1.1 to add many new features and build on future additions to the firmware. We did private beta testing and in house, everything worked great. We gave it to a hand full of testers and, they too, had almost no issues. For some reason we skipped open beta testing to anyone who wanted to try and released it to the public. Unfortunately, with the larger sample size more bugs were found and with the many major changes it became harder to squash the bugs. We made some human errors and rushed out what we though was ready to go in excitement of getting these features out to everyone.

After a few weeks it became apparent that 1.1.0 and 1.1.1 had enough bugs we couldn’t recommend installing it and resumed installing 1.0.9 from the factory. Unfortunately, we couldn’t ‘turn off’ the ‘update available 1.1.1’ when you connect your controller to the internet as some users are already on 1.1.1 and we’re unsure if it would break their machine or stop their ability to auto update forever, so we left it up.

What are we achieving with 1.2 firmware?

Todays firmware release may seem like we’ve moved backwards, but allows us to do two things;

1.) We went back to the fresh and stable release of 1.0.9 and added 4 of the biggest bug fixes that can affect your carves (listed below) but also will not introduce any new bugs. This means that 1.2 will not include all the enhancements that 1.1.0 -1.1.2 alpha included. This is to ensure you have the most stable firmware you can possibly have on your machine and avoid any unforeseen issues bugs may cause.

2.) This also allows us to essentially ‘skip’ 1.1.0 and 1.1.1 upgrade notifications users would have when connecting their controller to the internet and now it will show the 1.2 update bypassing the buggy 1.1 releases.

What are the changes from 1.0.9 to 1.2 firmware?

  • (bug) Fixed bug when uploading files with special character or spaces in the file name (like . _ ?*&^&, etc.).

  • (bug) Max usable file size increased from 100mb to 1gb.

  • (bug) Fixed long/slow movement bug (mostly seen in laser movements that would case the machine to skip steps with long movements under 15 ipms).

  • (bug) Display can now be rotated 180 degrees.

  • (bug) Fixed and issue when the most resent file uploaded wasn’t automatically made the active file.

  • (Visual) Added a visual change of the logo header and IP address/ssid/firmware version in the header and new probe visuals.

  • (Visual) New Wifi menu that shows available networks instead of having to manually adding it.

  • Added new ‘reset configuration’ values for z-16 and z-20 Z sliders.


If you are already on 1.1.1 or the 1.1.2 alpha, we recommend doing a full ‘reflash’ of the os to 1.2.
If you are on 1.0.9 and below, you are free to upgrade via the traditional usb upgrade via the general page on the controller.

Upgrade file for those on 1.0.9 and below:
bbctrl-v.1.2.1_RC3.tar.bz2 (2.7 MB)

Full SD reflash for those who have ever installed 1.1.0, 1.1.1 or 1.1.2 alpha:

How to reflash the sd card: How to reflash the operating system on the Onefinity (Full SD card image)


This firmware is now outdated.

Latest firmware is here: