Foreman QCW waste board slats dimensions

I’d like to start designing my waste board layout in preparation for the Elite Foreman QCW w/legs. I don’t believe that 1F has yet released the dimension for the Foreman QCW waste board slats. If anyone has received their Foreman QCW, could they post those dimensions? It would seem that the widths at least would be the same as the standard Journeyman, but I’m not sure. Maybe 1F can chime in to confirm?

Dimension are on pages 12-13 of the QCW manual

Hey Mike,

here on page 12:

Installation and Operation Instructions – QCW (Quick Change Wasteboard) Frame – Foreman Version (PDF)


On the Foreman QCW Frame product page, the QCW manual it links to is not for the Foreman so I incorrectly assumed the updated manual hadn’t been released yet. Thank you all for pointing me to the new QCW manual.

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