Do anyone have a fusion 360 tool database to share, I am all new to this and it is overwhelming to setup up everything with feed rate, Rpm, etc for a newbie!
Maybe a generic, something basic for a base to get started with CAM in fusion 360.
Hi Mike - I’m happy to share what I have - hopefully I can get to it today. As Nick said, Amana has a full database for all their tools as well. I don’t know about Whiteside, so that is most excellent.
Hi Mike - I cleaned up my tool database and exported it. Hopefully this goes through. In the end the Fusion database is just a JSON file, so it’s pretty easy to look at.
Additionally, @EdwoodCrafting and I are working on an app to help beginners calculate feeds/speeds. It should be out in the near future - I won’t hazard a guess at when though ;).
Yeah, it’s coming along nicely but so much work goes into it. I too am a little leary of setting a date but I will say by this summer. There I set a goal!