Has anyone looked at this new Controller?

I was thinking about buying a Journeyman Pro without a controller or screen and using the Sienci Longboard with a min PC like this https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CH81C4K3/
And a touch screen like this: https://www.amazon.com/ASUS-VT168HR/dp/B09JFGJD78/

This would cost me:
Onefinity Journeyman pro, no stiffy, no controller: $2,452.25
Mini PC: $159.98
Asus 15 inch touchscreen: $159.00
Sienci Super Longboard: $165.00
Power Supply: 24V 12.5A Power Adapter | Sienci Labs $47.99

For a total of: $2984.22

Iā€™ll probably need connectors and other various bits but I think thatā€™s close for the total.

This would give me the features that most interest me from the Masso (True 4th axis support and the ability to start in the middle of a job) The start in the middle of a job would be by using free software provided by Sienci)) Installation - gSender Docs

Iā€™d probably also add their inductive sensor kit.




Tech support would be tricky as Onefinity wouldnā€™t provide support for the controller, and Sienci wouldnā€™t provide support for the machine, so you might get stuck in limbo without a working machine.
Be mindful of what thatā€™s worth when deciding :stuck_out_tongue:

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Iā€™m well aware of the risks, and in my case, can deal with them. Iā€™m just exploring options to the long wait and expense of the Elite.



We just reduced the elite wait time to 4-6 weeks today!

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I watched the launch of their new mill, and they mentioned they will be making a version of the Longboard without drivers for those wanting to supply their own motors and drivers. It will cost less as well - wasnā€™t sure if that is the one you linked (I didnā€™t open it).

I did a preorder on the regular SLB (with on board stepper drivers) on spec and might have it in my hands within a few weeks. I already have a OneFinity with Masso controller so this is just for evaluation.

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Odd, I just tried it and it worked. If you Google ā€œSienci Super Longboardā€ it should show up. The one I linked is a replacement for the one on their Longmill MK2 machine. It only supports external drivers for the A-Axis. So, X, Y and Z are onboard. But now that I know the deliver time is much better for the Elite, my finger is hovering over the order button.

BTW, if you order the Onefinity Pro without the controller does that mean that it also doesnā€™t come with the stepper motors?



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You save a few hundred bucks but have to put an enormous amount of your time in to get everything together and working.

I am curious why you would want to do that?



  1. Time. This is now a non-issue with the updated delivery schedule.
  2. Itā€™s not an enormous amount of work for me to make this change.
  3. I like the flexibility of an open system.

Now that the time issue is gone Iā€™m still more likely to order the Elite. From a pure CNC processing functionality viewpoint, nothing in its class comes close.




Not sure where you are in the decision process, but one controller that some in CNCZone forums have mentioned is from Dynomotion - the KFLOP 8 axis controller. I had looked at it a while ago as an PC based option, along with Acorn, etcā€¦, but decided for my first CNC experience I would opt for Masso and no PC. It has some great features, one is that it offers fast real-time control through its on-board processor.

I have a X50 Journeyman and am using Scienciā€™s Longboard, I have the SLB on order expect it in a week or so.
The Buildbotics controller lacked standard CNC functionality.

Youā€™ll be happy with the SLB, and also gSender for CAM (free)software. They also will have a version without stepper controls that will be used on their AltMill CNC that uses closed loop motors.

Hello Bruce,

Did you have any problems switching to that controller. Were you glad you made the switch?



Had to install prox limit switches and install cable adapted for plug type.
See attached pictures. Iā€™ve been working with AtomicCNCDesign on Etsy to make prox switch mounts. I fabricated mounts just to get it working, but you should be able to get some from him. I also got the x axis drag chain supports through him. Check his Etsy shop, tell him I referred you.
I love how the Longboard works and am looking forward to getting the SLB within a week or so.
Also, download the gSender app from Scienci Labs and check it out. I love it, and theyā€™re constantly improving it. They have fantastic support.

Hope this helps.



Thanks, that helps a lot! I had downloaded and been playing with the gSender app. It appears to be great and I like that it supports several machines. Iā€™ll check out AtomicCNCDesign.



One thing to keep in mind is that the Sienci controller requires a 24v power supply, where the 1F BB controller uses 36v. While 24v will run your machine just fine (I run a custom controller with a 36v power supply dialed back to 28v), you may find yourself having to run more conservative feed & jog rates so you donā€™t lose steps. Since my machine is so small, Iā€™m not concerned with fast jog rates, and I run all my jobs pretty conservatively anyway. With 24v, you may not be able to achieve the same jog & feed rates as others using the 1F controller.

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Just received one earlier in the week. Iā€™ll play with it a bit after I finish a couple of more pressing tasks.

Thanks for the tip on AtomicCNCDesigns - the sensor mounts arenā€™t on their Etsy site, but Iā€™ll ping them since Iā€™m facing getting these set up.

I also purchased my Onefinity without controller, and will be using the SLB as a stopgap while I build up a ā€˜properā€™ controller (since I managed to cleverly fry my G540ā€¦). Mine has finally shipped out and should be here mid-week.

Bill Blades comment on the 24v power supply as opposed to 36v requiring lower motor speeds may be whatā€™s causing my Y axis issue randomly loosing steps at high speed.
Iā€™ve been trying to get some info from 1F on the motor settings that the BB controller used, i.e.; Max Accel rate. I had that written down for the X axis which runs fine at those speeds, but the Y axis doesnā€™t. Had to slow it down from 393 ipm to 200 ipm and the Max Accel Rate from 1000 mm/sec to 450 mm/sec. Firmware settings in gSender 111 & 121.
I think the X & Y settings should be the same, but I need someone with the BB controller to post itā€™s setting for the Y motor Accel rate. I know itā€™s given as gForce.
I did talk with one 1F tech rep, who amazingly responded over a weekend and was very helpful. He did provide the Max rate setting but he was replaced after the weekend and that guy wonā€™t help at all. They should at least provide info on the machine parameters, they do after all offer the 1F without a controller.

@BruceR56 check your email, we sent what you asked earlier.