Machine Dimensions

Ben @MyersWoodshop posted in another thread all of the dimensions excepting the e-stop button.

pulled up, (so the machine can run) the e-stop button is ~1.25 " high.

The other dimension that I didn’t see mentioned, but is important if you’re planning on enclosing this - is the length with cords sticking out. I’d suggest a minimum space to leave for the box and cords to be 12.5-13", the biggest issue being the power cord itself, which just can’t be bent to be shorter. That said - with that length, you wouldn’t be able to hit the power switch on the front.

Personally, I’ve already mounted mine and plugged the controller, router, touchscreen, and external web camera (wyze cam) all into a mounted power strip that has it’s own power switch - that way I can power everything from one switch on the power strip.

(i still have to clean up the power cords so they aren’t dangling)

links to the items i added:

Other enclosure considerations:

  • the controller itself will need airflow, (it has internal cooling fan(s?)) but you’d logically have to filter the air coming in.
  • all of the wiring coming in and out - I grouped the wires back to the controller it in two “packets” with 1/2" soft cord wrap, each one being about 1/2" in diameter. One for the X & Z wires, + the router power cord, one for everything going to the touch screen on the front.