Yes, I’ve watched it numerous times, as I said the gcode is confirmed, and fuses are good, not sure what other solutions the video offers to the problem.
Did you test it under manual control? Like the video tells you This would tell you if your system is working or not. No G code just manual control from the masso touch screen
Yes, the SPINDLE CW button illuminated when pressed manually, and also illuminated when running the gcode automatically. But no actual power to router.
I might be confused here but I had to also plug in a 110 Cord into the back of the power supply to power the VAC and I thought Router, maybe it is only for the Vacuum.
Sorry to confuse things.
I just ran into the same problem, I set mine up over the past 2 days and the both the router and vac were not powering on, checking wiring, power, fuses etc. did not help. What solved the problem was to address the issue with the connectors between the Masso controller and the power supply, what was happening was that not all connections were being made, or not being made continuously. To see what was happening, I opened the power supply (not recommended of course) and watched what was happening. The relays were triggering randomly it seemed. I used a dental tool and closed in the female pins on the connector labeled “A” and that solved the problem, the connections are now solid, either vibration or just a loose fit with the connections was the cause of this problem. I’ll likely post a video on my Channel in the coming weeks to show that the solution is very simple with the right 2 dollar tool. Let me know if that helps.