Onefinity CNC Firmware 1.2.1 (2/8/23) (X-35/X-50 machines w/ Buildbotics Controller) (Outdated)

Yes, I am still having this issue of probing not completing, even after restoring default config, etc. It would be encouraging to get a message that this issue is under review.

I have that issue. I reconfigure the xbox controller whenever it sleeps

I’ll try the logging firmware next. Working on a project over the past few days with freshly imaged 1.2.1 I’ve experienced

  1. z probe process stuck on 2nd touch, doesn’t retract automatically. Can cancel and it works on retry

  2. File uploaded via laptop onefinity.local not auto selected, stays on previously selected file

  3. File uploaded via laptop onefinity.local not auto selected, instead goes to first file “Team Onefinity” in drop-down. (Funny branding to put Team Onefinity logo through the bottom of my workpiece and wasteboard! :sweat_smile:)

After I refresh the browser it works better. I will note that I’m uploading via laptop web ui, but then probing and running files on the controller touch screen. Controller uses hardwired Ethernet.

I’m thinking I should put an always recording wyze cam in view of my touchscreen and machine for better bug reporting.


I just updated my onefinity upon updating my probe xyz is off, it seems like on the x it is going to far right when it is looking for the block. Then after it finishes when I hit done it is way off to the left of my piece. Anyone have some insight?

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reset the configuration to your specific machine.

Is it just me or does updating the firmware create more problems than it solves ?

haha Yup. I just went back to 1.1.1 and deal with the issues until they get this fixed.

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Hey Dave, hey all,

now I know why this category is called “Latest Firmware” (and not “Latest stable firmware” :slight_smile:)


I went back to 1.09. Seems to work great. Of coarse i cant find the flip screen that was there with the onefinity installed 1.09.

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Hey Dave,

in this case you could use How To Flip 10.8" Touchscreen 180 degrees for the time being.

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This is strange i did not have to do this when i recieved my machine a couple months ago. There was a button i pressed on a screen to flip.

Every single time I peak to see how the firmware battle is going, I thank my lucky stars that I didn’t budge from 1.09! This single issue has to be the biggest negative of owning a 1F machine. So many other things to love about the 1F compared to competitors but having the most stable firmware being this ancient is… is… uh… “isn’t optimal.”

@Buddy @Aiph5u Is that putting it delicately enough??

Hey Dave,

yes, but this screen rotation button feature was introduced with firmware 1.1:

However, firmware 1.1 and 1.1.1 were so bad that they were not only revoked, but their further development was also discontinued.

When a new attempt for a further development was started with version 1.2.1, the previous versions 1.1 and 1.1.1 were discarded and everything was started again based on firmware 1.0.9. Therefore, everything that was new and improved in 1.1 and 1.1.1 is gone again.

So when you say you went back to 1.0.9 (which is the last really stable version), of course this new screen rotation button is gone because it was never there in 1.0.9 and was only introduced later.

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Having issues after going from 1.0.9 to 1.2.1
Journeyman Windows 11
Networked to laptop

upload “spindle warmup” ngc as I do at every boot

File may or may not load, sometimes showing correct toolpath graphic, sometimes not (just shows top of list in dropdown of loaded files)

If it shows correct spindle warm up file in dropdown I’ll run the file, but at times it will run the top of list file instead of spindle warmup, even though it appears the correct ngc is loaded.

Initially I thought I had too many files loaded, so did a delete and it was okay for a short period of time…

Now it is occurring almost constantly. Quite irritating to run a warmup and find your spindle moving when it is to be dead still spinning.

I have seen some kind of related issues requiring a keyboard at controller to force n upload of something. Might that apply here?

Wanted to add- when I “delete all” of the loaded ngc code on the main interface, then open just a single file, the dropdown shows 8 additional files as well.

I think this is a current bug with 1.2.1. Or a troll from onefinity wanting to carve their logo into our projects :stuck_out_tongue:. I can’t reproduce it reliably, and haven’t had time to try and capture it yet. If you can, grab the logging patch and capture the logs for them.

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I actually went in with “putty” and deleted, using quotes, only a single file that was showing in the home/pi/Downloads directory. I cannot recall the complete filename, it was something like bbctrl-xxxxx.json “x” being the part of the name I cant remember, it may have been “bbctrl-onefinity.json” but not 100% on that recollection. I followed this: Remove download files from the controller - #27 by DaBooBear and because the filename was a little different than what the link samples showed I was slightly hesitant, but it worked. Only issue now is that dropdown, even after deleting everything still shows 8 or so files as being loaded that I never loaded after deleting which makes me think that’s on the onefinity programming side and not BB’s scheme.

Getting more interesting. I thought I would upload a few code files then go into putty and see what was listed in the Downloads directory. Well, nothing was there after loading several gcode files. So I rebooted, thinking maybe it was a closeout issue for the write. Now, I have no ability to load any gcode, its greyed out. So I reboot once more and all back to normal. So once again, I go to the Downloads and nothing is there. My question is: when loading gcode files, is the file held in memory or actually held in a directory somewhere? or, is it the old linux third times a charm? I will add that I rebooted again after the second go 'round and it booted normally and the file upload was not greyed out.

I believe the “Downloads” directory would contain files you’ve downloaded from the web interface on the controller, eg - you accidently clicked the “download g-code” button on the touchscreen. If you’re looking for the files that you have uploaded to the controller from a computer they are in /var/lib/bbctrl/upload if I remember correctly.


Hi Derek,

I’ve found the ones that are downloaded via the download button are located in my download folder as are any browser based downloads. Not sure if copy goes.elswhere or not. I will look at the path you suggest and see if I’m overloaded…
