I’ve really enjoyed seeing everyone’s projects while I was waiting for my machine, and now that I finally have it wanted to contribute back with my first project.
One of my hobbies is making faux neon signs using LEDs and silicone flex tubing. I’ve tried several methods to hold the silicone in place, but I’m very pleased with my new ability to channel out MDF to hold the tubes, as well as carve out pockets on the back to run all the wiring cleanly to copper tape rails.
Everything else on this one was laser cut or 3D printed I’m afraid, just the channels on both sides were CNC’d, but all three tools work great together for their various strengths. As I get more comfortable with the Onefinitity I’m sure I’ll find more ways to overlap its abilities with my other tools.
The MDF after pocket carving, with a couple coats of shellac and rolled on black:
Some basic pictures of the sign, a bit difficult to photograph it well since it lights up:
The back wire channels:
And a shot of it mounted just for scale: