Give this video a watch and shoot me any Qs you’ve got afterwards. I use Carveco software as an FYI. I’m also a newbie
Managed to break a ceiling fan blade, so I got a replacement set & put the Onefinity to work cutting the ends of the new blades. While doing this, I was thinking how you guys with the Woodworker model could make entire upgraded & custom ceiling fan blades.
Longer blade was one of the old ones, shorter is the new ones I cut.
If you don’t mind me asking, what was the total run time on that?
And there is NO REASON any LEO should ever have to!
Posted these on FB as well, so sorry if these are repeats. These are etched and cut Acrylic, as well as multiple MDF pieces to hold LED lights around the perimeter edge to provide the “glow”. Everything is cut/ etched using the Onefinity and designed using Vcarve Pro.
Rich, I absolutely love the acrylic lit signs. My family is born and raised Buckeye fans but my youngest daughter strayed and went to South Carolina.
Nice work Mike, got a few nurses in my family that might like those
Wow @alldaysammyj ! Is that done with a router or spindle setup?
I just recently swapped out the Makita router for an 800 watt spindle. Big difference in accuracy. That paired with the right finishing strategies has produced some great results
I have been watching your progress with this project. I have to ask would you please tell me what the parts are use for ,I must have missed this somewhere. I you cannot share I get it.
Custom tray for a Mother’s Day giveaway tomorrow. This was my second attempt. My first one ended up being a disaster but it was all well worth the lessons learned. Thankfully I have enough scraps to make up blanks that the only thing it cost me was time.
Very nice work. What program did you use to generate your tool path?
Thanks. I will be able to say what the parts are for once my website is up and running and everything is officially out.