Post up them projects

I was thinking the same thing. Nice work.

ACK! No Green Bay stuff allowed in here!!


(MN native…)

You heard how Harry and Megen went to visit the Minnesota Vikings and asked them how it feels to live without a title.

(WI native…)


Colorado Avalanche project started

Just finished my fixture plate to run first and second side ops. Mitee-bite clamps for the win! Gotta say, after calibrating and dialing in the machine, this Onfinity CNC is a beast for its size :+1:


Can’t wait to see how you use this. Did you make that on the 1F?

Yes I made it on the Onefinity. The parts will be run on the onefinity also.

Did you made it for a part that will require two sided machining?

Yes. It was designed for first and second side operations

Please do show more with this…


WOW ! the machining looks great. Did you sand blast it too or is that finish all from the 1f doing it’s thing?

And are you using it with the router or have you switched up to a spindle?

Thanks! It is bead blasted but the floor and wall finishes do turn out very smooth after machining. Right now I have the makita trim router. I am looking to pick up a 65mm 1.5KW spindle to use though. I am using a 1/4” single flute end mill for the adaptive strategy on the external walls and then a 1/4” 2 flute TiCN coated end mill for the facing, internal adaptive and contour finishing tool paths.


I’m quite surprised at the quality of that finish without any serious machining marks. Would you say the router and 1f handled it easily or did you really have to take quite a bit of time to pull that off working with slower travel, lighter cuts and plunge rates? I can’t wait to see what else you are machining in those fixture plates. Post them ASAP please


Your aluminum work is attracting a great deal of attention from a few of us - I am sure more will be following soon. I hope you are ready to be inundated with questions! :smiley:


Very nice clean work Ken. Is that center cut separately from the outer or all at once?

Quick prototype… this is 4.5" tall, I love the font, just not for this application, it’s too fragile. These will be for my son’s pre-school class.


Separate. There are 13 pieces in all, 12 zodiac and the center.

Looks really good. Great job once again

Yahoo I am all excited I did my first Halftone carving on a scrap MDF I think it came out good. I still need to adjust the setting but I am in the right direction