Ready To Go Checklist?

I have a checklist pinned next to my controller that I always glance over before pressing go. I find it a helpful reminder as I sometimes proceeded without checking z between tool changes, not changing the endmill, wrong gcode file, spanners on the surface.

Does anybody else have a similar checklist or have suggestions about what else to add?


What a great idea - and for visual learners as well.
Is it helpful to add ‘… in correct location with respect to program set-up’ to ‘Z probed’ (i.e., work surface vs waste board surface), or is that covered in your ‘Home X Y Reference’?
I am very new to CNC work, so this may not be an important addition.

To me, “Home XY reference” covers it.

Are not a lot of us, but you do come across as quite the machine builder!!

Great Idea…guess what I am going to make for my CNC?

Andy. Nice. Did you draw all those symbols by hand? I would add “Correct speed/feed/depth of cut?” and “Dust extraction on?”

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Last step. Push play. Keep finger on digital estop button and hope we programmed everything right! :stuck_out_tongue:


Critical steps I’ve tried to integrate into the post processor to produce controller prompts, forcing me to acknowledge (and check).

Examples of my workflow include,

  • prompting me to verify bit and RPM for Makita router
  • prompting me to adjust WCS offset (if any)

I’ve also tried to automate certain parts like connecting router and vacuum to turn on together.

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Great feedback. Thank you.

Interesting. I suppose a checklist is a means to capture best practice. Takes me back to shipping; they guys on the refinery docks had so many checklists that they had a checklist for their checklists.

I do little sketches as i can scan them quickly as i find reading words cumbersome. What i do note is that drawing my own sketches i find more noticeable no matter how rough they maybe.:slightly_smiling_face:

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I am a well practiced pause-button-hoverer. The recent FAQ on controller locking and waiting for the buffer to clear following a stop was a great tip.


Looks like you are using a VFD, otherwise I’d add “turn spindle and dust collection on” :slight_smile:

Maybe “remove and stow probe magnet” BEFORE the turn on spindle part :wink:


I have the pleasure of owning a “dodgy” probe that is wired backwards: no magnet needed, happy days.:slightly_smiling_face:

“Vacuum on”: interesting one. I often dont start the vacuum until a carve gets going so that i can hear if anything is going wrong.

I do have a spindle, but i have to check that it is on and not in a tripped state. Fortunately since getting a braking resistor tripped states are rare but me firgetting to switch it on is quite common and probably why created the checklist in the first place.

I have thought of one more myself: “saftey specs on”. After tinkering i can find them propped on my head rather than over my eyes.

Id Bitmap that and carve it out next. My plan is to carve everything I want for my machine to help me learn before I tackle some some other projects with it. why buy when you can make you own right lol

Thats exactly how i’m feeling right now! Built my table - But i’d love to make some drawers, enclosure, etc - Figured the best practice is on things I need and can use, instead of just putting it in the garbage once I make something I don’t need.

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Found the link in the forums for the fences

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