The order ship date came and went. I hadn’t received any word so I thought I’d reach out and investigate.
As it turns out, I did get an answer. The spindles or on back order and of course new machines come first.
This is understandable to a point. First of all it would have been nice to hear via this forum or email, the status of the black Friday spindle orders. Without having to solicit shipping info.
A few questions come to mind: When might we expect to see the spindles? What about warranty? If no spindles exist, how will warranty work? Did you not think there would be this many people moving to a spindle?
I know and had fully anticipated the wait for things when ordering but come on shouldn’t the ones of us who have ordered at least have some idea when we might actually see a spindle?
I know this is a bit of complaining and I do love my OF, just would like to know a status if there is one.
I just hope mine shows up with a spindle. Ordered on Jan 6, and dont expect to get it til April so hopefully the supply chain catches up in the meantime. Not sure what I will do if it shows up after 12 weeks and cant even be used.
Me too. I am ready for the upgrade from my ER11 router. It was a nice upgrade from the Makita but I am ready for a spindle. Christmas I bought some extra collets and nuts…
It does. I ordered the Elite package when it first came out before Thanksgiving and it was shipped minus the spindle at the beginning of January.
Since I ordered it with an 80 mm spindle, a makita router won’t fit the z-slider. I thought about buying an adapter to get it going until the spindle arrives but don’t need another router in the shop after the spindle shows up.
At this point, it’s only supposed to be a couple more weeks so patience is required, but it does hurt my feelings to look at it sitting idle every time I walk by it…
@sgtmpeaslee That’s what I read when I placed my order, at this point I am just hoping I don’t end up like @CMcDaniel and have a headless machine. I ordered the 80mm mount for the spindle so I can’t even throw a makita on there in the meantime.
I’m far enough back in the line I am just hoping it sorts itself out in the meantime.
just to make sure call onefinity they are very responsive. if all else fails go on etsy and get a reducing sleeve then at least you can use your machine while you sort it out.
@HardtailSr good idea on the sleeve, didnt know that was an option. At least I’ll have that in my back pocket if there is a huge gap in arrival dates. Can always ise the router as a router once the spindle shows. And I can probably just 3d print one myself.
Same boat, dude. I look at it this way, if we started building a DIY machine today. Would we have it all done, debugged, tested and working by the time our machines arrive? Maybe, maybe not. When it does show up we will be cutting with it that day.
And 1F said something about filling new machine orders first so for now I am finding other things to fret on.
Prompted by the messages earlier, I did an Etsy search and found an adapter for another router I already had in my shop (duh…should have done that a month earlier).
I had to do some improvised cable routing as my router’s power cord wasn’t long enough to work in the chain…suspended the cord from overhead with bungee’s so that it can’t get in the way of the operation of the machine.
Anyway, I did my spoil board set up as the first job on it and it worked well…
It will be better when the spindle arrives but I’m glad to be able to start using it…lots to learn for sure!
That’s awesome! I saw some on etsy and they are so simple that if push comes to shove I will create one and send it to my 3D printer to run while I go buy a trim router. I need one eventually anyway so there’s an excuse, I mean, reason.
Just a note on trim routers: They work great and I’ve used the Dewalt 611 and it’s served me well. I had to make adjustments so it would fit. Better router choice but like I said, had to do some case engineering to make it work (I love my Makita tools but the collet not so much). Just my opinion, please no hating over this Hopefully before long I can put the 611 back to being used as it was designed. Either router Makita or Dewalt will work great just sorry you’ve got to set it up and then go back and set it up again just to use your new OF. Welcome to the OF family and have fun making saw dust.
What mods did you have to make to fit the Dewalt? Because if I end up using a router until I get my spindle I would prefer it over the makita for the sake of the collet.
Not jump in the middle but if you get a router I switched my Makita for a Router11 from open builds last year as a gap filler and am happy with it. Uses an ER 11 collet. Quieter than the Makita. Just an option. 149.00 last time I looked.
Of course I had to get an adapter. Once it was in place, I had to file just a little off the case to allow all to be tightened good fit without any contact to the Z assembly. It’s close or in my case it was. Not much is required just enough so that the case does not contact with the Z assembly.