Repairing a BB Controller

Recently the controller of my 2019 OF Woodworker was diagnosed with a power failure and I was directed to purchase a new controller, which I did and my system is back up.

Now I want the old BB Controller repaired so I’ll have a back up.

I emailed BuildBiotics support but they said they did not make controllers for OF and offered no real help or real information.

Does anyone know where I can have it repaired/refurbished?


Hey David,

The Onefinity CNC Controller of the Original/X-50/PRO Series is based on a software and hardware fork of an older version of the Buildbotics CNC controller software and hardware sources and is made and further developed by Onefinity. So either you ask them, or an electronics engineer friend with the appropriate knowledge. The source of the hardware is here: onefinity-pcb, the schematics of the AVR board is here: schematics, the layout of the AVR board is here: Gerber, the source of the software is here: onefinity-firmware. Both the Onefinity and the Buildbotics software and hardware are published under a free license (Free and open-source software and Open-source hardware).

Welcome to the forum!


Thank you for all the information contained in your answer. I have a computer specialist, you have provided everything needed to make a go of it.

Thank you again, Piddlin’