Soft Limit Error

I don’t know why since ive done some projects but now I’m getting an error on this one. and it will tell me midway on the project. Here is the File i created but I’m not sure why it’s causing issues.
bamboo stand test.crv (232.5 KB)

Hi Aaron,

Couple of things to check -

  1. Have you homed the machine?
  2. Are you setting your origin on the workpiece to the front left as designed in Vcarve?

A soft limit error occurs when the CNC realises that it is will be going out of its cutting range. So in your case your workpiece is 16.25" wide. If the origin was set to the centre of the workpiece by mistake and there is not enough space for the machine to move 16.25" to the right, you will get a soft limit error.

Hope this helps.


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If you take a closer look at your VCarve file, you will find that the design is too close to the edge of your defined workspace for the bit geometry.

I’m going to assume that you may be placing your material at machine Y0. A 1/4" bit has a 1/8" (0.125") radius. But your design is only 0.1114" from Y0. Therefore, you are telling the center of the bit to pass below Y0, which is outside the machine range and breaks the soft limit.

Just move your design up a little to let the toolpath stay inside the machine area.