I have the OF elite foreman, running a Makita router and added the 64W Laser.
Every time I turn on the machine it wants to home and with that tab the tool setter.
The Issue is, the laser protrudes so far below the router that I can not have a bit hit the tool setter.
Is there a way to bypass toolsetter on home? or de-activate the toolsetter when using tool 111?
I have been wondering this too. You can certainly turn off the tool setter in the homing settings, but then you have to remember to re-enable it when you want to use the spindle again. I so far have just been either putting a foam block that the 64 w will hit and activate the tool setter, or just pop it with my finger when it gets to that part of the homing. Not the best practice since id prefer not to crash the expensive laser. Unfortunately the machine has already homed by the time I am loading gcode, so perhaps I just need to disable toolsetting on homing and just make sure the machine checks the first tool when starting a job…
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