V Carve Trial version STL support

Hi all new guy here (but old to wood working).
Getting a new X35 soon and main goal is 3D relief carving. Looking at OBJ and STL files off the net. After loading the trial version I see it will not see any of those files types (and thus not load them)!! Is there something with that version that is limiting a function?
Thxs RD-

You’re best answer would be found on the Vectric support forums.

I have VCarve Pro. You have to go to the modeling tab and import the STL file

Yes now we see it, but the “import 3D” is greyed out. I have asked Vectric on this and have been waiting .
Just don’t want to fork out $600 some bucks and not be able to do what we wanted.
Thxs RD-

Try using the import from the tabs at the top of the screen. You should be able to upload STL into the trial.

Just FYI for you, VCarve (either version) can only import one personal 3d model per file. If you’re using the included (clip art) 3D files or the purchased Design and Make files, you can import unlimited models from those.

I have VCarve Pro and even if I import a personal 3D file and then delete it, I still am unable to load another 3D object into that file. I have to start a completely new file. Pretty annoying.

You can get around the one 3D object limitation somewhat by joining multiple objects in fusion 360 (or some other software) and then importing them as one file into VCarve. It works for some things at least.

You need to step up to Aspire to have unlimited upload of personal 3D files.

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That’s odd… I have VCarve Desktop and can delete and import another 3D object in an existing file without any problems. I wonder if there is something up with your installation?

Hmmm, I don’t know. I’m on the latest version and have done separate installs for every version update. Even after deleting the imported model, it gives me a pop-up that says I’m only allowed one import.

You are able to do this with 3D files that aren’t from Vectric or Design and Make?

Maybe I’m deleting them wrong. How do you go about deleting the model?

Thanks for the answer, I have been in contact with Vectric and still no real answer. We want to work with 3D files from museums scans that are STL and OBJ. I believe it is something with the trial version we still get a “grayed” out function. Other folks out there state you can import personal 3D files and re-size in X,Y and Z , which is what we need. We will also now look into Carveco.
Thxs RD-

Yes, I import STL files that I export from F360. I import the model, create the required toolpaths, then go back to the 2D view and delete the model. Then import another…

My experience with the VCarve Trial is the same as yours - no ability to import STLs. It’s annoying the Trial version is crippled like that

Carveco Maker trial is great at STLs.


Found the answer from Vectric, just needed to tweak some job-setups before it allows import in the trial ver.
thanks again all-

This video link should show you everything that you want to know. Definitely recommend giving it a watch.

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Thanks! we are watching all the youtubes now-