What to do with 1 year of unwanted/needed Carveco Maker

Hello all,

So I am waiting until late March or early April to receive my 1F Elite 4man and in the meantime I am checking out the software options. I of course already got the email from 1F with the carveco info.

I know better than to activate it now and burn off a few months of the subscription before I even have a machine so I just signed up for my own account for a month to check it out. I had already been checking out Vcarve for a few days since they offer a free trial version.

Within 5 minutes I knew Carveco was just not for me, I went back twice over the next 2 days and gave it a fresh look and I just prefer Vcarve 100:1.

So my question for everyone here is, does anyone sell/trade/transfer a Carveco subscription to someone else who will use it?

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I used Vcarve before my Onefinity purchase, so I didnā€™t need the Carveco software. I treated the Carveco subscription like the free AOL disks and accounts that used to come with new computers. I ignored the offer and never downloaded or installed the software. Iā€™m not even sure that the Onefinity-provided license for Carveco is transferable.

The Onefinity / Carveco affiliation makes sense. Without a CAD/CAM package, the Onefinity CNC is just an expensive paperweight. Carveco can offer a one-year subscription to be included with the Onefinity without much risk to their company. If Carveco can get you using their software, future subscription revenue will more than offset a one-year free subscription.

There is nothing more expensive than a free kitten.

Dirkus (Dirk)


I already own VCarve Pro. As my upcoming Elite replaces my X50 I was thinking of ā€œbundlingā€ the Carveco subscription when I sell that on, although, as the original poster asked, is that legal/possible? While I like to play by the rules, I donā€™t feel my bundling is immoral because the Carvecoā€™s goal is to get someone interested in their SW. OTOH, I personally would not feel comfortable selling it on eBay for $$$. Iā€™m already happily paying an arm and a leg for my Elite, getting a couple of fingers back by selling it doesnā€™t ease my finances.


I didnā€™t have any CAM software when I bought my CNC so I started off with carveco. I have several other CAD softwares that I use and enjoy but I have never come across a CAM software that I dislike as much as carveco. Iā€™m now using a combo of Fusion360 and Aspire. All the Vectric programs are great. You might be able to post an add for your license key if you havenā€™t used it yet. I know there are some folks that donā€™t hate carveco, so itā€™d represent a dollar value to someone, somewhereā€¦? Best of luck with it.


Nothing more expensive than a free kitten??..hmmm how ā€˜bout free fish caught with your own 70ā€™ sport fishing boat + tackle + rods/reels + bait oh? did I mention fuel?


Just noticed, first post. Somebody ring the bell! :bell: