Wiring H100 or V70 VFD to GX-12 6-pin spindle control on Elite Masso G3

Hey Jeff,

I made connection tables for a few VFDs for connection to the Elite (see links below). The Masso documentation does not refer at all to the Onefinity 6-pin G-x12 socket/connector/cable and its colors and pins so you got to consider this intermediate step and to not let you confuse you.

The Huanyang “B-T” Models are those with integrated step-up converter (much more expensive models). These really have 100 V class input and 200 V class output for attaching a 220 V spindle to a 110 V supply circuit (be aware of Incorrect or missing data on cheap chinese VFDs and spindles).

Unless a VFD does not contain a step-up converter, like the Huanyang “B-T” Models or the Invertek Optidrive ODE-3-210058-104# which allows to set the output voltage to 0×–2× of input voltage, which are usually much more expensive, generally on VFDs, their voltage output class is the same than their voltage input class.