Hi everyone, I’m a new user to Onefinity. I’m using a Journeyman X50
I’m using an Amana Tool 46282k-k and added the tool database to both my Carbide Create and Aspire software. I created a test piece on my carbide create and exported the GCode to my CNC. For some strange reason, even though I set the stock size correctly in the software, when I loaded the GCode and pressed play, the CNC carved fat texts (looks like it was compressed flat). I tried making a square box near the edges of the stock and realised the CNC doesnt recognise the actual stock size, in its eyes the stock size was much bigger. I thought maybe it was the software so I loaded a simple rectangle on the aspire and the same problem happened as well. So I know some setup in the onefinity machine doesnt tally correctly to the size.
Is there a setup I need to do specifically for the Journeyman X50 to tell the system or is there something I missed ? Appreciate any help. I’m pulling my hair out.
I have already done my zeroing with the touchprobe and have done the homing as well before each test cut.