10" Touch Screen Blanking

My son recently received his X50 woodworker. We set it up just like mine. The touch screen blanks on/off every few seconds. It’s connected direct to the wall plug (15a) dedicated circuit. We have checked and rechecked all wiring then ordered a set of ferrite cores and placed them on both ends of each cable (HDMI, USB-C screen power, Controller power in, etc.). Still no help.

I will attach a link to my Dropbox with a video showing the configuration shortly. Any thoughts or ideas are welcomed.

Thanks, Tom

Hey Tom,

did you try it with another HDMI cable, as I already suggested?


I did. No change in display behavior


Here’s a link to a video

Hey Tom,

watched your video. The other day when I suggested here that the EMI which comes from the carbon-brush commutators of the router cannot be shielded because the router is air-cooled and a solution could be to mount the control display at a greater distance from where the router drives by, you said here that the monitor intermittent issue also appears when the router is off. You don’t show this in the video. Can you confirm this?

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Yes, but I didn’t video it today. I’m going to take another touch screen (different mfr) tomorrow or Tuesday. I will video prior to switching it out and after

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Hey Tom,

I believe you without video :slight_smile:. But I don’t know what it could be.

I was having this issue and figured out that I had my usb cables wrong. One of the USB cables going to the monitor is strictly for power and is plugged into a wall charger while the other is for data and is plugged into the controller USB port. that fixed my blanking issues…

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We double checked all of the cables from the start as soon as we experienced the problem. The USB-C w/ power goes to the bottom port and is powered from the power receptacle. The other goes to the controller. We’ve swapped HDMI cables for a braided shielded one, no change. I’m going to try another one as soon as I can get back there. I’m also going to try another touch display. I can’t imagine what the issue is. Very frustrating.

I have been having this problem as well. My 10.8" display goes blank whenever I turn my Makita router on. Just started doing this. worked for 6 months with no problem. Changed out the brushes in the Makita this morning, but no change.

Problem Solved. Tried another HDMI Cable and the screen no longer blanks out.

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Jim - thanks for sharing. I’ve done another cable w/o success. Can I ask which one you chose?



Hi Tom,
I went from a 7" screen to the 10.8 screen and had the same problem. I couldn’t use the HDMI cable that came with it and had to use the heaviest cable I could find. I also added some Ferrite beads to both ends.
Now it only flashes blank for a few seconds when I start my water cooled spindle.

Dan - thanks for your feedback. I purchased an 8k HDMI cable that came about an hour ago. I’m going to try it tonight when I’m at my son’s house. Hopefully, the 3rd time is a charm. I also used ferrite cores on the original ones (put on all cables just to make sure), but they didn’t help. I’ll report the results tonight.

Best regards,


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Well, I thought we had solved the blanking problem but, alas, it’s still there. Replaced HDMI cable with the latest spec’d 8k shielded cable and the blanking still persists. Since this is happening prior to the router running, my suspicion is that it’s either the controller HDMI output or a faulty display. So the plan is to remove my display and install it on his system and test.

We need to get this solved so his journey into the CNC world is a positive one. Not so much at this juncture.


There is also a HDMI jumper wire that connects the rpi inside the controller to the outside of the controller enclosure, I’d suggest verifying it’s fully seated in the rpi and/or bypassing it with a direct connection to the screen to test.

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Hi Tom, I know its a work around but you can connect to the controller interface with a PC or tablet through your network. This video explains it. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3Db0awPC4b0zA&ved=2ahUKEwj92PfS3M79AhX8AzQIHaHxB6EQwqsBegQIGBAB&usg=AOvVaw2FwdIpiF-3P7UHaUkwkpcm
Sometimes I prefer using my laptop or larger tablet the onefinity touchscreen is small at waist height and teathered to the machine it doesn’t show the graphical file preview either line the network connection.

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Thank you for the suggestions and workarounds.I did take my touchscreen and power block and swapped out his. Mine works correctly and is stable, proving the HDMI controller output works and, more importantly, his display is bad.I also tested the AC/dc power block and the output is within spec.

I sent onefinity support the details and video files and hoping they will ship a replacement display out ASAP. My son is disabled, and I felt that getting him involved with CNC will give him purpose and the ability to create meaningful projects that will bring him joy and accomplishment. It’s been >3 weeks since my son got his CNC and hoping to turn the negative to a positive soon.

Thanks again to the forum community for helping us with good support.



Hey Tom,
I was having the very same problem after I replaced my first Makita Router. Tried cables, ferrite cores, etc.
finally I just ran an extension cord to a different circuit and plugged the router and monitor into separate circuits. Problem disappeared and hasn’t come back.


JP - first, welcome to the forum. Glad to have you with us.l Regarding your workaround, yes, I actually ran a separate 120VAC circuit to the side of the machine so I could plug the router and dust collection in separate from the controller. Fortunately, I have the same setup as my sons, so I brought my display and power brick over and swapped his out. The problem went away. Defective display. Unfortunately, Onefinity support won’t accept this and made us shoot videos walking through a bunch of unnecessary steps since we’ve already proven the monitor is defective. I sent them videos of everything earlier today and hopefully, we’ll get the monitor swapped shortly.

Thanks again for reaching out.,
